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Direction in defining, designing, and developing authentic and memorable brands that connect your business with minds and hearts.

We build brands by helping you get crystal clear on your purpose, which is really about clarifying what you value, why you value it, and how you believe you can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

What We Do

At the heart of our work, we’re storytellers. We help you tell your story in a way that captures the soul of the vision you hold. To be a good storyteller, you need to know how to listen and pay attention to what is said, what isn’t, and also the space in between the words of what’s shared. Our job is to notice, to hear, to reflect back, and to amplify your unique contribution in a way that captures the essence and forms an authentic connection with your audience. We build brands by helping you get crystal clear on your purpose, which is really about clarifying what you value, why you value it, and how you believe you can make a positive difference in the lives of others. We’re here to help you paint a vivid picture of your purpose through images, graphics, typography, and authentically shared content that rings true and radiates good. We ready your brand both digitally and for the physical world through our programming and printing services.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, who are building and creating things, it’s upon us to build and create in a way that includes and doesn’t other or exclude.

What We Do

Creating meaningful work that is culturally diverse and that inspires minds and hearts can only happen in safe spaces, where authenticity is the foundation for connection and the building blocks that are laid for creative collaboration. The Wholehearted Business Team is invested in our individual and collective DEI training, and we have paved a way for our clients to grow their cultural sensitivity awareness and leadership and to also address any roadblocks that are barriers to creating safe, non-judgmental, and inclusive brands, content, environments, and relationships. We assist with individual and team training, as well as provide oversight and consulting during the brand and content development process to ensure the development of an inclusive and culturally rich brand.

Why We Provide This Service

When we share our stories about the connection we have to the purpose of our work and offerings, we beam our beliefs about the benefits of our business out for our audience, community, and potential clients and customers to receive in a way that is impactful. We engage with brands and make purchasing decisions when we feel synergy, alignment, and understanding for what we want and need. We do this work because we LOVE (in all caps) guiding business owners in fully claiming their unique contribution and then uncovering the visual and written identity and, the stories that help to communicate what’s special about their approach and the heartbeat of the brand. We do this work because our fulfillment — which is how we define success is intertwined and woven together in our change making clients being seen, heard, understood, and valued for the good that their vision, work, and business offer the world.

mobile callout

How it Benefits Your Business

The most direct route to building a business that is generative, sustainable, and gratifying is through connecting with our people — the audience and community that resonates with our purpose, aligns with our values, and believes in the things we believe in. When we invest the time and energy to clarify our purpose, define our values, and get to know what our people want and need and specifically, how our services and offerings meet those needs and desires, the path to building a brand and identity reveals itself. We connect through our stories and are inspired by the way we share our stories. Creating a brand built on stories that connects our potential clients and customers with the unique values of our business, service, and offerings uplevels business from being transactional to relational, which is where commerce started and where we want to see it return.

Areas of Expertise

* Click on the highlighted box to read the content in the section.

  • Guidance Through the Business & Brand Questionnaire
  • Comprehensive Brand Audit
  • Business & Tagline Naming
  • Visual Identity Design & Development
    • Mood Board
    • Color Palette
    • Logo Suite
    • Font System
    • Supporting Graphics
    • Style Guide
  • Printing Services & Management
  • Branding Interior Design Services


* Click on the highlighted box to read the content in the section.

Wholehearted Business Development is exactly who they say they are – whole hearted. Amanda and her team not only spent countless hours with us developing the on-line home for the Centre for Holding Space, but were our biggest cheerleaders, our most conscientious nudging-forwarders, and most trustworthy companions on the road to starting our business. We had very little idea of what we were getting into, but Amanda and her team consistently showed up, consistently gave us their best, and not only built us a beautiful, functional website, but also designed and branded new products, connected us with invaluable people and resources, and gave us sound, helpful advice along the way. Our desire was to build a solid foundation for the work of Holding Space so that we and others could grow and flourish and we could not have done that without the energy, love, dedication, and incredible work provided by Amanda and her team. Wholehearted Business Development understands that there are people behind businesses and that those people are driven by passions and values that usually come more from their hearts and less from their wallets. Those passions and values are what WBD works to deeply understand and reflect in what they produce and it definitely shows.

-Krista dela Rosa (she/her) | Co-Founder
Centre for Holding Space


* Click on the highlighted box to read the content in the section.

Sign-up to receive our mostly monthly mailings and blog post announcements, where you’ll find business development and digital marketing resources, info, tools, and tips for purpose-driven business owners.

Client Tribute

* Click on the highlighted box to read the content in the section.


Learn more about the collaborative and creative relationship we share with the Centre for Holding Space and how it’s inspired the development of the Centre’s visual identity and their rich design aesthetic.






Areas of Expertise

  • Guidance Through the Business & Brand Questionnaire
  • Comprehensive Brand Audit
  • Business & Tagline Naming
  • Visual Identity Design & Development
    • Mood Board
    • Color Palette
    • Logo Suite
    • Font System
    • Supporting Graphics
    • Style Guide
  • Branding Interior Design Services


Wholehearted Business Development is exactly who they say they are – whole hearted. Amanda and her team not only spent countless hours with us developing the on-line home for the Centre for Holding Space, but were our biggest cheerleaders, our most conscientious nudging-forwarders, and most trustworthy companions on the road to starting our business. We had very little idea of what we were getting into, but Amanda and her team consistently showed up, consistently gave us their best, and not only built us a beautiful, functional website, but also designed and branded new products, connected us with invaluable people and resources, and gave us sound, helpful advice along the way. Our desire was to build a solid foundation for the work of Holding Space so that we and others could grow and flourish and we could not have done that without the energy, love, dedication, and incredible work provided by Amanda and her team. Wholehearted Business Development understands that there are people behind businesses and that those people are driven by passions and values that usually come more from their hearts and less from their wallets. Those passions and values are what WBD works to deeply understand and reflect in what they produce and it definitely shows.

-Krista dela Rosa (she/her) | Co-Founder

Centre for Holding Space


Sign-up to receive our mostly monthly mailings and blog post announcements, where you’ll find business development and digital marketing resources, info, tools, and tips for purpose-driven business owners.

Client Tribute


Learn more about the collaborative and creative relationship we share with the Centre for Holding Space and how it’s inspired the development of the Centre’s visual identity and their rich design aesthetic.

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